Tuesday, February 9, 2016

NH Primary 2016 - Ritual Homage to Saturn

I've been reading Matthew Nicholson's work on Facebook as well as his informative videos on youtube.  I encourage you check out his work.  His angle is the numerology related to Saturn.  Saturn orbits our Sun at a speed of 9.69 km per second.  969 is the number.  So many events historically have been planned around this number in honor of Saturn.

Saturn is an ancient deity which is known by many names, Satan being one.

In any case, I will let you do your own research on the subject.  But for now, I wish to highlight the NH Primary of 2016 held on February 9.

In Simple English Gematria, February = 96.

F  E  B  R   U   A  R   Y

So it's simple, February 9 = 969

2016 can be reduced to 216, because you can ignore zeroes in numerology.

216 = 6x6x6

969 666 is the ritual of Feburary 9, 2016.  New Hampshire residents get to pick which Illuminati puppet they want.

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