Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Prediction for 9/22/15 to 9/26/15

The purpose of this prediction is not to claim prestige and say "I told you so" when something bad happens.  It is my belief, based on the work of David Chase Taylor of , as well as the news analysis of various persons online, such as Zachary Hubbard, RedsilverJ, Skyedog (who's videos have been taken down for some time now), that it is possible to predict future terrorist events by reading the clues inserted into the news by conspirators in media, government, religious institutions, academia, sports and entertainment.

My purpose here is to attempt to prevent certain crimes from occurring by accurately predicting what will happen.  If I sufficiently accurate, then I can prevent them from happening.  If the conspirators follow through, then I look like a prophet, and can name names of the conspirators, and they'll end up in jail if they're lucky or dead if the angry mobs get to them.

There is no way to prove that my predictions are accurate.  If they're accurate, the events will be cancelled or postponed.  If I'm wrong, then they won't happen anyway.  Again this is not about prestige but about stopping crimes.

I emphasize, I make the prediction so as to prevent the event from occurring.  

I do not want anyone to be murdered.  The results will be disastrous if the things I predict occur.

Having said that, this is what I predict for the meeting of Pope Francis and President Obama:

Whether it's at the initial meeting at the airport on the 09/22/2015, or during their later scheduled meeting on 09/23/2015, someone will attempt to shoot President Obama and the Pope.  President Obama will be shot in the head by the assassin. This assassin will be a white male, Christian (but not Catholic), conspiracy theorist believing Obama is The Anti-Christ and Pope Francis as the False Prophet of revelation.  After being shot dead or arrested, search of the assassin's residence or hotel will have papers or computer logs of biblical passages, or a bible with highlighted passages and crib notes in the margins.  Notes about the meanings of names, the gematria of names, the significance of blood moons.

If you work for the Secret Service, I encourage you to be extra vigilant to help stop this crime should the conspirators intend to follow through with it.

The purpose of the murders is to further aggravate divisions in the USA.  Protestant vs Catholic.  Black vs White.  Anglo vs Hispanic.  Brainwashed vs conspiracy theorists.  They've been trying to start a race war for some time now, and the murder of our mixed raced but called 'black' president may trigger racial violence of a scale not seen in this country for a long time now.  Not to mention ruining US international credibility as a safe place to travel.  The Pope goes everywhere safely but gets shot in the USA.

I hope I'm right, so as to prevent the crimes from occurring.

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