Monday, August 31, 2015

47: Renaming Mount McKinley as Denali

This article has ben archived at, should it become unavailable.

President Obama made this declaration on August 30.

In Pythagorean gematria, August  = 17.
17 + 30 = 47

Gematria of Mckinley and Denali

Simple English

McKinley 13+3+11+9+14+!2+5+25 = 92

Denali 4+5+14+1+12+9 = 45

92 - 45 = 47

47 and 74 heavily coded into stories because they add to 11, a "Master number."  Do some google research on your own, I encourage you to.  Don't just take my word for it.

Denali in Athabascan language means "the high one."

The High One, Simple English Gematria:
20+8+5  +  8+9+7+8  +  15+14+5 = 99
High One = 66
66 books in the bible, Revelation is 66th.  They often code 66.  Revelation is part of their playbook.

"The high one"  reminded me of a bit of Old Testament scripture.  I couldn't remember which prophet it was, I was thinking Ezekiel or Isaiah.  So I plugged 47 into, and lo and behold, Isaiah is 47 in Simple English Gematria.

Isaiah 9+19+1+9+1+8 = 47

Isaiah 14.

"12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
(emphasis added)

While the section speaks  about the King of Babylon: Venus rises before the sun, and is known as the Light Bringer, and is used metaphorically for the king of Babylon. It is also used as a reference to Satan or Lucifer, the Light Bringer.

 I think they're using the renaming as a salutation to Satan, and the purpose is to cause emotional strife, playing Americans of various ethnicities against each other.  In this case the majority white vs the native Indians.  

They do everything by the numbers.  A 47 on a date with 47 numerology.   While Freemasonic religion can be somewhat cosmopolitan, they use the bible as reference and playbook. Predictable.  I bet there's more numerology hidden here, I am just not seeing it.

I personally don't care what the mountain called.  We might as well use the Indian names.  Where I live rivers and some towns are named for local tribes who once dwelt here.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

55 : Gematria of Louisana Trooper Shooting and Boston MA Machete Attack

This blog is dedicated to helping expose the commission of crimes and mass deception for the purposes of mind control, done by a cult of madmen that do their work "By the numbers."  Meaning gematria, various systems of encoding alphabets as numbers that go back thousands of years.  It is believed by some that numbers have power, and thus are used to mark crimes.  

I've been lead to learn gematria by better men than myself.  Learn from the master of the art of revealing truth of numbers in the news:

Now on the with the article analysis:

Machete Attack at 144 Chelsea St, Boston MA around 11:30am Sunday August 23, 2015

August in Pythagorean Gematria.
1+3+7+3+1+2 = 17 / 26  S exception
now add up the date
 17  + 23 + 15 = 55

Machete in Simple English Gematria
13+1+3+8+5+20+5 = 55

Boston, Massachusetts in Pythagorean Gematria

Boston = 2+6+1+2+6+5 = 22 / 31 S exception
Massachusetts 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33 / 69 S Exception

Boston + Massachusetts = 55

I initially saw this reported on New England Cable News while sitting at an auto shop.  The address 144 caught my eye, so I decided to investigate it.  For those new to this, the first 144 decimal digits of Pi add up to 666, a number of biblical significance in the book of revelation.

11:30 includes 113, which is significant to freemasons as it is a reference to the number 33.  11x3.

This site reports the attack as just being in the 200 block and occuring at 11pm.   Why can't they get the time right?  Certainly there's some official statement as to when the attack occurred.

In any case, I do not believe this is a coincidence.  I don't know the significance of the number 55 to occult numerologists, but I'm certain this attack was either planned or staged, and that it was not random violence.

Master trooper Steven Vincent, age 44, shot on 8/23/15 in Louisiana.  He served 13 years as a trooper.

Recall above that August 23, 15 adds up to 55.

Pythagorean  4+1+1/10+2+5+9 = 22 / 31 S exception

Pythagorean 2+9+6+6+7+5+9 = 44

Pythagorean 1/10+2+5+4/22+5+5= 22/31/43/49   standard/S excep/V excep/ S and V Excep

Pythagorean 4/22+9+5+3+5+5+2 = 33 / 51 S Exception

Steven Vincent = 55

Master Trooper Steven Vincent = 130 using S exception for Master
31   +   44   +  22  + 33     = 130

He served 13 years, ended with a Zero, meaning dead.

He was 44 years old.  44 Spelled out as Forty Four has Simple English Gematria of 144.
First 144 decimal digits of Pi add up to 666.

"Kill" in Simple English Gematria 11 + 9 + 12 + 12 = 44

The trooper got to the truck at 2:43 pm.

PM in Pythagorean Gematria 7 + 4 = 11
2+4+3 = 9

Call 911 for emergencies.  9/11 terrorist attack.  It's one of the marks of the the perpetrators of this crime.

He was shot by Kevin Daigle

Simple English: 11+5+22+9+14=61
Pythagorean:   2/11+5+4/22+9+5 = 25, K 34, V 43, KV 52

Simple English: 4+1+9+7+12+5 = 38   Death = 38
Pythagorean: 4+1+9+7+3+5 = 29

Kevin Daigle in Simple English = 99
Kevin Daigle in Pythagorean = 54, K 63, V 72, KV 81

An interesting numerical progression in Pythagorean gematria...

Kevin is from Lake Charles.

Simple English: 12+1+11+5 = 29
Simple English: 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66

The 66th and last book in the bible is Revelation, where 666 revealed seen as the number of the beast.

I archived the web sites at should they take down the articles.  Go read the articles.