Friday, November 27, 2015

58, 239, 32 Man kills father over fast food

Here's another bit of freemasonic fear programming.


The article is archived as well:

Gematria Breakdown: 

(Thanks to for their gematria tool)

The alleged attacker Ronald Pritchett is from Purvis, Mississippi.  Purvis = 33, the most important number in freemasonry.  Pritchett = 119, to trigger the programmed 9/11 fear response.  Mississippi = 58.  He attacked his father, who was 58 years old, father = 58.  He's being held in the Lamar County Jail.  Lamar County Jail = 58.  

Do you see the numbers?

Ronald Pritchett is said to be 32 years old.  Ronald is a black man.  Negro = 32.  He's said to have killed his father over fast food.
In the pythagorean or reduction system, sum the digits of the letters to get single digits.

FAST FOOD = 6 +1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 32.

The title of the article itself, "man accused of killing father who didn't bring him fast food" = 239.  The attack occured on November 25, the 329th day of the year.  329/239.  329/923/239 has been heavily coded in news stories and advertising all year.  The 239th congress means this year.  The pope visited the Whitehouse on 9/23.    

I admit I don't understand all the significance of 239.

On Nov 25, there are 36 days left of the year.  Add numbers 1 to 36 you get 666, the number of the beast in Revelation.  The freemasons use Revelation as a playbook.

Ronald was captured on November 26, the 330th day of the year.  330 can be reduced to to 33 in numerology.  So it starts with Purvis (33) stabbing his parents, and finishes with 33, being arrested.  Opened and closed with 33.  Freemasonic coding. 

Do you see the numbers?  These assholes sign their work.

It's a sick, racist joke meant to provoke fear.  The negro kills his dad over fast food, and gets arrested.

His father was taken to Ochsner Hospital. 
(Thanks to for their tool)

Ochsner = 276 in Jewish Dematria.
Deception = 276

These False Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, aka Freemasonry, do this constantly in the news, entertainment, advertising.  It's mind programming to get is to hate and fear each other so they can more easily control us.   Anxiety makes us feel run down, and makes us easier to control.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Prediction for 9/22/15 to 9/26/15

The purpose of this prediction is not to claim prestige and say "I told you so" when something bad happens.  It is my belief, based on the work of David Chase Taylor of , as well as the news analysis of various persons online, such as Zachary Hubbard, RedsilverJ, Skyedog (who's videos have been taken down for some time now), that it is possible to predict future terrorist events by reading the clues inserted into the news by conspirators in media, government, religious institutions, academia, sports and entertainment.

My purpose here is to attempt to prevent certain crimes from occurring by accurately predicting what will happen.  If I sufficiently accurate, then I can prevent them from happening.  If the conspirators follow through, then I look like a prophet, and can name names of the conspirators, and they'll end up in jail if they're lucky or dead if the angry mobs get to them.

There is no way to prove that my predictions are accurate.  If they're accurate, the events will be cancelled or postponed.  If I'm wrong, then they won't happen anyway.  Again this is not about prestige but about stopping crimes.

I emphasize, I make the prediction so as to prevent the event from occurring.  

I do not want anyone to be murdered.  The results will be disastrous if the things I predict occur.

Having said that, this is what I predict for the meeting of Pope Francis and President Obama:

Whether it's at the initial meeting at the airport on the 09/22/2015, or during their later scheduled meeting on 09/23/2015, someone will attempt to shoot President Obama and the Pope.  President Obama will be shot in the head by the assassin. This assassin will be a white male, Christian (but not Catholic), conspiracy theorist believing Obama is The Anti-Christ and Pope Francis as the False Prophet of revelation.  After being shot dead or arrested, search of the assassin's residence or hotel will have papers or computer logs of biblical passages, or a bible with highlighted passages and crib notes in the margins.  Notes about the meanings of names, the gematria of names, the significance of blood moons.

If you work for the Secret Service, I encourage you to be extra vigilant to help stop this crime should the conspirators intend to follow through with it.

The purpose of the murders is to further aggravate divisions in the USA.  Protestant vs Catholic.  Black vs White.  Anglo vs Hispanic.  Brainwashed vs conspiracy theorists.  They've been trying to start a race war for some time now, and the murder of our mixed raced but called 'black' president may trigger racial violence of a scale not seen in this country for a long time now.  Not to mention ruining US international credibility as a safe place to travel.  The Pope goes everywhere safely but gets shot in the USA.

I hope I'm right, so as to prevent the crimes from occurring.

Monday, September 14, 2015

157, 42: Browns vs Jets Season Opener 9/13/2015

For those of you who doubt Zachary Hubbard's work on the rigging of games by the numbers, here's an independent analysis by me.  And don't just take my word for it.  Learn the basics of Gematria so you can do the analysis yourself.  Do not let internet prophets do all your thinking for you.  Invest the time to learn what folks are talking about.

All uploaded images are used for the purposes of commentary, research, and analysis.

In Simple English Gematria: 
Player Of the Game = 157
Travis Benjamin  = 157
Metlife Stadium = 157

In Pythagorean Gematria:
Josh McCown = 42
Concussion = 42

Don't just take my word for it.  Invest the time to learn the methodology, and do analysis yourself.  Don't let Internet prophets do all your thinking for you.  And certainly don't let the TV Networks do your thinking for you.  Deliberate lies and half-truths is what you'll get from them.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

34 58: Obama's Iran Deal will survive as 34th Senator announces support

All done by Pythagorean gematria.

Last name is a 33.
Full name is a 58.  5+8=13  They love 13.
Maryland = 34

Are there other numbers and clues hidden here?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The FBI owns or has infiltrated most White Supremacist and Separatist Groups

This is my story about revealing infiltration of white separatist and supremacist groups.

When I was young I grew up in a somewhat racist household.  Racists songs, jokes at the expense of non-whites where considered semi-normal.  I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is, and this is not a post about public apologies and begging forgiveness.

In Junior High and High School I rebelled against constant racial guilt programming.  As well as guilt programming about the persecution and extermination of Jews in Europe during World War 2.  I didn't have the right paradigm to understand the programming as I do today.  I fell into the trap that so many whites tend to fall into: embracing racism in rebellion against coerced cosmopolitanism.

As I got older I played a prank on a computer bbs causing  a swastika to pop up on the screen.  I got hell for it.  These fellow students got upset and tried to assault me.

A month or two after reporting the assault to the high school administration, I received an e-mail from some guy looking to make connections and forming a hate group.  At the time I was not interested in hate groups.  I was somewhat racist, but as I noted above, I wasn't militant.  I have no doubts the high school administration got word to the law enforcement about the incident, because they didn't do anything about my assailants.

So one thing led to another and I got into contact with a hate group in my state focused mostly on creating propaganda and having internet debates on newsgroups.  Younger people today might say, "news what?"  Well before the advent of http blogs and message boards, people participated in newsgroups.  Text based bulletin boards where people talk about everything.   These people did have access to information, a small amount of wisdom that went contrary to the programming I was being fed day in and day out.  So in a world of lies, a lie with a bit of truth, in retrospect, was appealing.

Bear with me because there's a point to all this.

Over a short while I became a little nervous.  One of their group had done some prison time and went around the US and Canada trying to set up networks of skinheads and neo-nazi intellectuals.  I was puzzled how one person could be so influential.  The man who first contacted me had also done some time.

In my heart I was more of a libertarian looking for friends and allies.  Forced togetherness is what I rebelled against.  As much as I had racist inclinations I still believed all persons had the same fundamental rights. I became nervous about these people and tried to go my separate way.  The one man who first contacted me said something very suspicious:

He wanted us to share an email account so we could stay in touch.

To me that's really bizarre.

I've learned that the FBI had been infiltrating militant groups, hate groups, separatist groups for some time.  The strange behavior of the people I was associating with seemed to confirm that.,_conspiracies_and_racist_rampages_since_oklahoma_city

Patcon did not end as they say it did.  The FBI continually infiltrates these groups to steer them and try to push persons into attempting to build bombs or illegal weapons, and then arrests them.  While some folks may be independent and act on their own, the large majority are poked and prodded into carry out these actions by infiltrators.  Sometimes it is ex-cons granted early release on the condition that they infiltrate militant groups.  They do this to Muslims as well, to drive frustrated but non-militant persons into carrying out crimes and then arresting them.

The man who contacted me in my youth was one of these.  As was the seemingly effective recruiter who traveled around.  And I think the leader of their group was one as well.  He kept a briefcase of all my emails and antisemitic crap that I wrote, so I'm not surprised if he is.

What's done is done, all I can do is warn others.

Groups such as National Alliance, White Aryan Resistance, National Socialist Movement, Knight of the Ku Klux Klan, are all infiltration and intelligence gathering entities.  Naive people looking for answers as I was, get a little bit of truth, feel relieved to found other persons who seek truth, and are attracted to them.  But it's a scam.  If you affiliate with them, reconsider what you're doing.  You may end up being a propaganda tool for these super rich, elitist, Freemasonic assholes when you go to jail for some attempted crime.

Race War has been a long term plot by the powers that be to exploit the failings of our country.  We Americans are (collectively speaking) quite racist and it will take generations to gradually overcome it.  It won't be with policies and social engineering, but with gradual, sincere, respectful attempts to get along with each other.

Consider these unfortunate souls:

Most are just mislead.  Some are actors and paid agitators.  Uniforms with sewn arm patches?  Really?

Please don't misunderstand me.  There's nothing wrong with having a group ethnic or racial identity.  But when it comes to degrading others, then you go wrong.  I chafe at forced togetherness and forced segregation.  But I refuse to take part in degrading other human beings.   You should refuse as well.  Don't be played.

If you're driven into doing shit like this, you're being foolish.  I used to shout 'white power' in defiance, it felt good.  But I was being played.  I might have become the next pasty for a terrorist attack if I didn't, by the grace of God, get away from that nonsense.

Don't play into the division and race-war agenda.

Monday, August 31, 2015

47: Renaming Mount McKinley as Denali

This article has ben archived at, should it become unavailable.

President Obama made this declaration on August 30.

In Pythagorean gematria, August  = 17.
17 + 30 = 47

Gematria of Mckinley and Denali

Simple English

McKinley 13+3+11+9+14+!2+5+25 = 92

Denali 4+5+14+1+12+9 = 45

92 - 45 = 47

47 and 74 heavily coded into stories because they add to 11, a "Master number."  Do some google research on your own, I encourage you to.  Don't just take my word for it.

Denali in Athabascan language means "the high one."

The High One, Simple English Gematria:
20+8+5  +  8+9+7+8  +  15+14+5 = 99
High One = 66
66 books in the bible, Revelation is 66th.  They often code 66.  Revelation is part of their playbook.

"The high one"  reminded me of a bit of Old Testament scripture.  I couldn't remember which prophet it was, I was thinking Ezekiel or Isaiah.  So I plugged 47 into, and lo and behold, Isaiah is 47 in Simple English Gematria.

Isaiah 9+19+1+9+1+8 = 47

Isaiah 14.

"12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
(emphasis added)

While the section speaks  about the King of Babylon: Venus rises before the sun, and is known as the Light Bringer, and is used metaphorically for the king of Babylon. It is also used as a reference to Satan or Lucifer, the Light Bringer.

 I think they're using the renaming as a salutation to Satan, and the purpose is to cause emotional strife, playing Americans of various ethnicities against each other.  In this case the majority white vs the native Indians.  

They do everything by the numbers.  A 47 on a date with 47 numerology.   While Freemasonic religion can be somewhat cosmopolitan, they use the bible as reference and playbook. Predictable.  I bet there's more numerology hidden here, I am just not seeing it.

I personally don't care what the mountain called.  We might as well use the Indian names.  Where I live rivers and some towns are named for local tribes who once dwelt here.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

55 : Gematria of Louisana Trooper Shooting and Boston MA Machete Attack

This blog is dedicated to helping expose the commission of crimes and mass deception for the purposes of mind control, done by a cult of madmen that do their work "By the numbers."  Meaning gematria, various systems of encoding alphabets as numbers that go back thousands of years.  It is believed by some that numbers have power, and thus are used to mark crimes.  

I've been lead to learn gematria by better men than myself.  Learn from the master of the art of revealing truth of numbers in the news:

Now on the with the article analysis:

Machete Attack at 144 Chelsea St, Boston MA around 11:30am Sunday August 23, 2015

August in Pythagorean Gematria.
1+3+7+3+1+2 = 17 / 26  S exception
now add up the date
 17  + 23 + 15 = 55

Machete in Simple English Gematria
13+1+3+8+5+20+5 = 55

Boston, Massachusetts in Pythagorean Gematria

Boston = 2+6+1+2+6+5 = 22 / 31 S exception
Massachusetts 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33 / 69 S Exception

Boston + Massachusetts = 55

I initially saw this reported on New England Cable News while sitting at an auto shop.  The address 144 caught my eye, so I decided to investigate it.  For those new to this, the first 144 decimal digits of Pi add up to 666, a number of biblical significance in the book of revelation.

11:30 includes 113, which is significant to freemasons as it is a reference to the number 33.  11x3.

This site reports the attack as just being in the 200 block and occuring at 11pm.   Why can't they get the time right?  Certainly there's some official statement as to when the attack occurred.

In any case, I do not believe this is a coincidence.  I don't know the significance of the number 55 to occult numerologists, but I'm certain this attack was either planned or staged, and that it was not random violence.

Master trooper Steven Vincent, age 44, shot on 8/23/15 in Louisiana.  He served 13 years as a trooper.

Recall above that August 23, 15 adds up to 55.

Pythagorean  4+1+1/10+2+5+9 = 22 / 31 S exception

Pythagorean 2+9+6+6+7+5+9 = 44

Pythagorean 1/10+2+5+4/22+5+5= 22/31/43/49   standard/S excep/V excep/ S and V Excep

Pythagorean 4/22+9+5+3+5+5+2 = 33 / 51 S Exception

Steven Vincent = 55

Master Trooper Steven Vincent = 130 using S exception for Master
31   +   44   +  22  + 33     = 130

He served 13 years, ended with a Zero, meaning dead.

He was 44 years old.  44 Spelled out as Forty Four has Simple English Gematria of 144.
First 144 decimal digits of Pi add up to 666.

"Kill" in Simple English Gematria 11 + 9 + 12 + 12 = 44

The trooper got to the truck at 2:43 pm.

PM in Pythagorean Gematria 7 + 4 = 11
2+4+3 = 9

Call 911 for emergencies.  9/11 terrorist attack.  It's one of the marks of the the perpetrators of this crime.

He was shot by Kevin Daigle

Simple English: 11+5+22+9+14=61
Pythagorean:   2/11+5+4/22+9+5 = 25, K 34, V 43, KV 52

Simple English: 4+1+9+7+12+5 = 38   Death = 38
Pythagorean: 4+1+9+7+3+5 = 29

Kevin Daigle in Simple English = 99
Kevin Daigle in Pythagorean = 54, K 63, V 72, KV 81

An interesting numerical progression in Pythagorean gematria...

Kevin is from Lake Charles.

Simple English: 12+1+11+5 = 29
Simple English: 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66

The 66th and last book in the bible is Revelation, where 666 revealed seen as the number of the beast.

I archived the web sites at should they take down the articles.  Go read the articles.